Tokenomics & Prices


Table showing each round prices:

Reveal Price

For all rounds, the reveal price will be the same. Part of the price charged for revealing will be consumed by Chainlink's VRF.

This value of LINK can change as the price of LINK changes with respect to ETH. A low LINK/ETH ratio gives a higher Reveal Price, and a high LINK/ETH ratio gives a lower Reveal Price.

You must have this number of LINK in your wallet for the reveal process! Check out Randomness. If you just want to mint and not reveal, LINK is not needed.

See Why is $LINK needed? for more information.

Total YP cost (mint & reveal)

The following tables represent cost estimates based on the YP smart contract. Values ​​may vary due to cryptocurrencies volatility.

*We used 100 GWEI for this calculation.

Considered values for the fees (Mint / Reveal):

Expected TOTAL cost (Buy & Reveal):

Add 0.002 ETH to the final price if you need to add your wallet's LINK spending approval fee.

You must have this number of LINK in your wallet for the reveal process! Check out Technological Overview. If you just want to buy, and not reveal your YP, then LINK is not needed.

Last updated